Wayne Perry talks being born and leaving Lincoln Heights, Gentrification, Co-Founding Cermaic Studio 153, & the Flower Shop in Echo Park


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Wayne Perry
Artist, Art Fabricator, Co-founder of Cermaic Studio 153
Talks about his very early years in the neighborhood, his parents, migrating farther east, and his experience on Gentrification, from Echo Park to Lincoln Heights.

From rough streets to flower shops, boutiques, and coffee shops, is there a middle ground to be found?

Ceramic Studio 153
Wayne Perry Art

Produced: Mario Mesquita
Sound: Mario Mesquita
Photo: Mario Mesquita

NELA’s Antigua Coffee House on Expansion, Community, and the Lacy Studio Space


Audio Player

Yancey Quiñones, Owner of Antigua Coffee House
Talks plans for the future for this local coffee shop and community epicenter. Antigua Coffee House and owners have been recognized for their community engagement, building, and contributions and are being approached to continue work in next phases of development in Industrial Lincoln Heights–renovation of the Lacey Studios, as well as expanding into a local thrift store and job training programs.

Be on the lookout for the renovation of Lacy Studios on W Ave 26th and Lacy St.

Produced: Mario Mesquita
Sound: Mario Mesquita
Photo: Courtesy of Yance Quiñones