Curiosity & The Institute of Urban Archiving Gets the Table Turned on them



Audio Player

Highland Park Neighborhood Council Members
Lumis Festival 2015

Ask the Institute of Urban Archiving team what we are doing and what we are all about. We talk potential Lincoln Heights community partners and how to stay in touch. Curiosity is our best friend. We learn from each other and is the best way to get to know one another. We ask questions about what community members are seeing in their own neighborhood. What they want their neighborhood to be and memories they have had.

The Cart, or Mobile Research Lab, it’s evolution, and its useful purpose to take around the neighborhood, inviting people for free coffee in exchange for conversations about changes on their block.

“Why don’t you do it in Highland Park?”

It was a great way to get to know what more the Neighborhood Council can offer their residents.

Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council
Highland Park Neighborhood Council

Produced: Mario Mesquita & Selena Romero
Sound: Mario Mesquita
Photo: Mario Mesquita

Posted in Audio, Highland Park, Lincoln Heights, NELA, Soundbite and tagged , , , , , , .

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